The Unruly Blog
Stay ahead of the curve and at the forefront of ad tech with the Unruly blog, covering stories from across the Unrulyverse and beyond!
Viral Review: Audi ‘Test Drives’ A New Style Of Ad
This article orginally appeared in Campaign. It takes a pretty exceptional effort to make an automobile advert that stands out. After all, how many times can viewers see a low-slung sports car bombing it around a track before they get the idea? Beyond a few ingenious examples of car advertising, it isn’t really a genre which offers a tremendous amount of variety. Audi is a brand which understands this quandary, and its latest spot ‘Test Drive’ does its damnedest to break the mould. How does it do this, you ask? By suggesting that viewers simply aren’t tough enough to drive their cars. It’s a feat of quite remarkable reverse psychology, resulting in one of the more memorable automobile ads in recent years.
Apple Dominates The Day & P&G Talks: 5 Ads You Should Watch Right Now
Every week Unruly travels to the far corners of the web to bring you the greatest ads of the last seven days. This week’s selection of videos includes spots from Pizza Hut, Apple and P&G – as well as an unusual turn from Royal Mail.
What Is Header Bidding, How Does It Work And Who Benefits?
Header bidding has become an increasingly hot topic in programmatic video advertising, and you don’t have to go far to see it pop up at speaker sessions or dominating headlines in trade magazines. As more and more platforms develop header bidding solutions, programmatic buyers and publishers are quickly familiarising themselves with the ins and outs of how the technology actually works.
Unruly Shortlisted In 3 Categories For 2017 Spark Awards
We’re excited to announce that Unruly has been shortlisted for three Spark awards by Marketing magazine, including Best Media Solution for the second year running. Unruly has also received nominations for ‘Best Engagement Strategy’, for its work with Lady’s Choice on the Sitio Naubo campaign, and ‘Best Collaboration between Media Owner and Agency’ for Jollibee’s “Framily”.
Honda Makes Dreams & Under Armour Is Unlike Any Other: 5 Ads You Should Watch Right Now
Every week Unruly scours the world wide web for the best and brightest ads, and then puts them all together in this handy list – so you can catch up before the weekend. This week’s batch includes comic spots from Taco Bell and British Airways, alongside visually striking ads from Honda and Under Armour.
5 Major Reasons Why People Skip Video Ads Online – New Study
Whether it’s fast-forwarding through TV ads, leaving the room during the commercial breaks or hitting the skip button on YouTube, one thing is clear – advertisers are struggling to get and keep consumers’ attention. But why do people skip video ads? What are the main factors? And what can advertisers do to stop it?
Viral Review: Absolut Celebrates ‘Equal Love’
Pride in London has just passed and, as ever, the festivities turned the capital’s traffic-clogged tourist centre into a rolling street party powered by Lady Gaga tunes and glitter. Walking around almost any major Pride event these days, it is difficult to avoid branding, whether in the form of rainbow-daubed Burger King crowns or themed Red Bull handouts.
Ford Gets Sensitive & IKEA Relaxes: 5 Ads You Should Watch Right Now
Every week Unruly scours the web to bring you the best 5 ads from around the world. This week we’ve got effective and emotional spots from Volvo, McDonald’s and Ford – as well as a truly weird and wonderful ad from IKEA starring a bipedal Lion.
4 Tips To Guide Your Movie Trailer Distribution
The quality of a movie trailer can mean the difference between a successful opening weekend and a box-office flop. In fact, there are plenty of examples of movies that were made by their trailers. And creating an engaging and intriguing piece of pre-release content is an art-form unto itself. But what persuades fence-sitters to go see your film, or gets film buffs talking? How do you entice groups of friends – and how do you snare those coveted opening night viewers?