The Unruly Blog
Stay ahead of the curve and at the forefront of ad tech with the Unruly blog, covering stories from across the Unrulyverse and beyond!
Flying Cars And Skiing Stars: 5 Ads You Should Watch Right Now
In this week’s round up we have basketball parties on the street and homeless people reading mean tweets. Yep, it’s just another week in Adland. After a week watching the best (and worst) video advertisements on the net, we’ve picked the five essential ones to watch so you can spend the rest of your time enjoying the Easter break. So without further ado, here is our weekly round-up of the five ads you should watch right now. Enjoy and have a great weekend!
Slam Dunks And Playdough Chunks: 6 Branded Vines You Should Watch Right Now
Brands are quickly recognizing the influence of video sharing platform Vine and going head to head to battle it out for the attention of its 40 million highly-engaged users. But with just 6 seconds to impress, it can be hard to get yourself noticed. So to help cut through the clutter we’ve rounded up this week’s 6 best branded Vines to show you how it’s done. In this week’s round-up, we have slam dunks from basketball star Dwayne Bacon and a cheeky April Fool’s prank from Domino’s. Enjoy!
Programmatic Video #WotW: What Is A Private Marketplace?
Programmatic video is the fastest-growing category of programmatic buying, but a lot of marketers are still struggling to get to grips with the basics. A recent study by the Association of National Advertisers and Forrester found that only 23% of marketers said they understood programmatic and were using it to execute their campaigns. This is despite the fact that more than half of US publishers reported selling their premium video ad inventory programmatically in August 2014 (Adap.tv), while mega-brands like American Express and P&G vowed to shift the majority of their ad spend to programmatic by the end of 2014.
How Advertising To Women Has Come A Long Way (But There Is Still A Long Way To Go)
Advertising to women has come a long way. Search for “vintage ads to women” and it can be quite a shock. Thankfully, sexist ad slogans such as “If Men Hate The Sight Of You, Read This”, “Most Men Ask Is She Pretty, Not Is She Clever” and “Is It Always Illegal To Kill A Woman?” have been consigned to the dusty history books forever. But you only need to watch this year’s crop of Super Bowl commercials to know that the way women are portrayed in advertising and the media still has a long way to go. Things have changed though. More recent examples of marketing messages to women have changed so drastically that Ad Age even dedicated its cover to this story back in September, and often
Seven Steps To Emotional Advertising Success
When it comes to advertising, emotions really do matter. You only need to look at the emotional rollercoaster that is most shared ads on the Unruly Viral Video Chart to see how making someone cry, laugh or gasp can have a huge effect on your ad’s shareability. But there is a lot more to emotional advertising than just sharing. Research over the last decade has come up with compelling evidence of how important emotions play in brand recall and purchase intent too, while early tests of our new Unruly Custom Audiences targeting capability has found that people who experience stronger emotions are more likely to watch till the end. So ads that put your target audience through the emotional wringer are more likely to make them remember your brand
Furniture Store Grooves And Allez Les Blues: 5 Ads You Should Watch Right Now
Set in China, Egypt and the Arctic, this week’s round-up of video ads is an international mix and includes a delightful double whammy from the French. After a week watching the best (and worst) video advertisements on the net, we’ve picked the five essential ones to watch so you can spend the rest of your time getting lost in the land of cats, goats and pimple-popping clips (you know who you are). So without further ado, here is our weekly round-up of the five ads you should watch right now. Enjoy and have a great weekend!
Why Emotions Matter To Advertisers
It’s official: advertising has discovered its sensitive side. Emotional advertising has existed for years, but awareness of the scope, uses and amplifying effects of emotion has never been so prevalent among agencies, publishers and brands. It only takes a few clicks through Unruly’s Viral Video Chart to see this shift in action, with several high-emotion, high-arousal ads jumping out as the clear winners of 2015 so far. A triumphant PSA from Ad Council inspired strangers to look more than skin-deep (literally) when it comes to love. An Italian newspaper addressed domestic violence with an emotionally-charged stunt. And insurance company MetLife produced perhaps the most tear-jerking video ad of all time in ‘My Dad’s Story’. All three were sharing hits.
Marmite Eclipse And Licking Our Lips: 6 Branded Vines You Should Watch Right Now
Brands are quickly recognising the influence of video sharing platform Vine and going head to head to battle it out for the attention of its 40 million highly-engaged users. With just 6 seconds to impress, creativity is key and we’ve rounded up this week’s 6 best branded Vines to show you how it’s done. In this week’s round-up, we have delicious doughnuts and delightful dominoes. Enjoy!
Programmatic Video #WotW: What is The Floor Price?
Programmatic video is the fastest-growing category of programmatic buying, but a lot of marketers are still struggling to get to grips with the basics. A recent study by the Association of National Advertisers and Forrester found that only 23% of marketers said they understood programmatic and were using it to execute their campaigns. This is despite the fact that more than half of US publishers reported selling their premium video ad inventory programmatically in August 2014 (Adap.tv), while mega-brands like American Express and P&G vowed to shift the majority of their ad spend to programmatic by the end of 2014. There’s clearly a knowledge gap between the programmatic front lines and everyday marketers, making 2015 a key year for programmatic education. As with any burgeoning new trend, one of the main