The Unruly Blog
Stay ahead of the curve and at the forefront of ad tech with the Unruly blog, covering stories from across the Unrulyverse and beyond!
Brands Get All Emotional For Father’s Day
Brands have always seen the power of emotional advertising to the mothers of the world. Just take a look at the ads from this year’s Mother’s Day and you’ll see what I mean. But recently more and more advertisers are starting to use the same strategies to appeal to dads’ sensitive sides. With Father’s Day around the corner, we’re starting to see an uptick of these emotional ads, with dad at the center of the plot line. Dove Men+Care may have started this new “dadvertising” trend last year. Its Father’s Day spot premiered on Monday showcasing real life men finding out that they will become fathers.
A Terminator Surprise And A View Through Dad’s Eyes: 5 Ads You Should Watch Right Now
Arnold Schwarzenegger freaks out fans and real men find out they’re going to be dads for the first time. That’s right, it’s just another week in AdLand! After a week watching the best (and worst) video advertisements on the net, we’ve picked the five essential ones to watch so you can spend the rest of your time enjoying the weekend.
Is 2015 The Year Dark Social No Longer Leaves Us In The Dark?
We’ve all done it. You find a link to an interesting article or funny video you’ve seen online and decide to share it with a friend through email, Instant Messenger or SMS. This is classed as dark social. The reason it’s dark is because it isn’t tracked by conventional web analytics platforms. It’s a lot more common than you think. A Radium One study recently reported that nearly 70% of online referrals now come from dark social.
Ninja Robbers And Fashionable Clobber: 6 Branded Vines You Should Watch Right Now
Brands are increasingly recognizing the influence of short-form video as a way to attract and engage an audience online. Now with a new search feature, it’s getting easier for consumers to find the hottest trending content on Vine. If you were wondering which advertisers are coming out on top in the attention battle for bite-sized consumer attention, we’ve got you covered and have rounded up this week’s 6 best branded Vines.
Programmatic Video #WotW: What Are Lookalike Models?
Programmatic video is the fastest-growing category of programmatic buying, but a lot of marketers are still struggling to get to grips with the basics. According to a recent study by Unruly, which polled 1,000 senior marketers in the UK and US, around half rate their programmatic video knowledge as ‘Average’, ‘Poor’ or ‘Very Poor’.
Netflix Uses Smart Social Video Strategy To Promote Season 3 Of Orange Is The New Black
The ladies of Litchfield are back – and don’t we know it! While we haven’t had a chance to binge on the third season of Orange Is The Black just yet (it’s still working hours after all), we couldn’t help but notice video promos of the Netflix favorite have been flooding the Unruly Viral Video Chart all week.
Steamy Affairs And Puppy Dog Stares: 5 Ads You Should Watch Right Now
A steamy affair in front of a husband, an emotional goodbye to a best friend and a time-travelling lift. That’s right, it’s another week in AdLand! After a week watching the best (and worst) video advertisements on the net, we’ve picked the five essential ones to watch so you can spend the rest of your time enjoying the weekend.
Which Ads Will Win Big At Cannes Lions 2015? Here Are Our Predictions
We’re just a couple of weeks away from Cannes Lions – and here at Unruly we can’t wait. And with good reason. Cannes, after all, is the “world’s biggest annual awards show and festival for professionals in the creative communications industry”. What this means is that, between June 21st and 27th, copywriters, CEOs and ad boffins of all description get the chance to dress up like Ryan Gosling and compete for the admiration of their peers.
Army Tanks And Toilet Pranks: 6 Branded Vines You Should Watch Right Now
Brands are increasingly recognizing the influence of short-form video as a way to attract and engage an audience online. Now with a new iOS search feature, it’s even easier for consumers to find the hottest trending content on Vine. If you were wondering which advertisers are coming out on top in the attention battle for bite-sized consumer attention, we’ve got you covered and have rounded up this week’s 6 best branded Vines.