The Unruly Blog
Stay ahead of the curve and at the forefront of ad tech with the Unruly blog, covering stories from across the Unrulyverse and beyond!
Interactive Muscles And Cantona Hustles: 5 Ads You Should Watch Right Now
Who would have thought that babies poo faces would front a campaign for a global brand. That’s right, only in AdLand! After a week watching the best (and worst) video ads on the web, we’ve picked the five essential ones to watch so you can spend the rest of your time enjoying the weekend.
Has The World Gone Live Stream Video Crazy?
Video live streaming apps like Meerkat, Periscope and You Now have started to dominate smartphone homescreens and are consequently capturing the attention of the massive mobile video market. In the last couple of months there’s been an ever-growing buzz around these new live format video apps.
Walks Of Shame And Big Toe Pain: 6 Branded Vines You Should Watch Right Now
Effective brand marketers know the value of creating short-form video as part of their content stack. It’s an effective way to attract and engage an audience online. But it’s still not always easy to find the best-branded content on Vine. So if you were wondering which advertisers are coming out on top in the attention battle for bite-sized consumer attention, we’ve got you covered and have rounded up this week’s top 6 branded Vines.
Cannes Lions Round-Up: The Most Talked About Winners In Advertising
You have to hand it to Geico. Back in 2013, the U.S. insurance company and its ad firm, The Martin Agency, managed to turn Wednesdays into a weekly celebration with its ‘Hump Day‘ campaign. Now Geico has managed to turn a ‘pre-roll’ ad into a Cannes Lions winner. Yes, seriously!
Brands Share The Love As The World Celebrates Pride
It’s a testament to the incredible gains made in recent years that LGBT Pride in 2015 was more visible than it has ever been. This profile is obviously partly due to the famous parades and festivals, which hundreds of thousands attended this weekend in cities across the world, but this year a more widespread campaign of visibility has brought Pride even further into the mainstream. While Pride remains a commemoration of community struggle and achievement, 2015 was also a banner year for brands showing their support.
Grannies Knickers And Hoverboard Kickers: 5 Ads You Should Watch Right Now
Grannies on the bog and real hoverboards. That’s right, it’s just another week in AdLand! After a week watching the best (and worst) social videos on the web, we’ve picked the five essential ones to watch so you can spend the rest of your time enjoying yourself.
Jailbird Cats And Screaming Snacks: 6 Branded Vines You Should Watch Right Now
Brands are increasingly recognizing the influence of short-form video as a way to attract and engage an audience online. Now with a new search feature, it’s getting easier for consumers to find the hottest trending content on Vine. But it’s still not always easy to find the best branded content on Vine. So if you were wondering which advertisers are coming out on top in the attention battle for bite-sized consumer attention, we’ve got you covered and have rounded up this week’s 6 best branded Vines.
Programmatic Video #WotW: What Are Auctions / Second Price Auctions?
Programmatic video is the fastest-growing category of programmatic buying, but a lot of marketers are still struggling to get to grips with the basics. According to a recent study by Unruly, which polled 1,000 senior marketers in the UK and US, around half rate their programmatic video knowledge as ‘Average’, ‘Poor’ or ‘Very Poor’. There’s clearly a knowledge gap between the programmatic front lines and everyday marketers, making 2015 a key year for programmatic education. As with any burgeoning new trend, one of the main causes of confusion is vocabulary.
The Alternative Cannes Lions: What If Online Sharing Determined The Award Winners?
With Cannes Lions kicking off yesterday, the advertising industry is all set to celebrate the greatest achievements of the last year. With campaign awards ranging from ‘Product Design’ to ‘Cyber’ – and even the inaugural Glass Lion, focusing on gender issues and female empowerment – there will be plenty of chances for ambitious agencies to make their name.