The Unruly Blog
Stay ahead of the curve and at the forefront of ad tech with the Unruly blog, covering stories from across the Unrulyverse and beyond!
How To Make Your TV Commercials Work On Digital
Do you watch TV commercials during your favorite shows? Or do you zone out? Go into the kitchen and make a smoothie or a hot drink? Or even fast forward if you are watching on a digital video recorder (DVR)? Or are you a cord-cutter? Research shows that people will actively choose to watch a TV commercial (TVC) if the content is strong. Now, with TV audiences only watching under 20% of TV commercials through to completion[1], advertisers need to change their approach and start making ads that work on consumers’ terms.
Tight Shorts & Dangerous Sports: 6 Branded Vines You Should Watch Right Now
Now that Vine has found its feet as part of marketers’ content stacks, grabbing viewer attention in the first few seconds is key. In this cut-throat world of snack size media, content is king. However, it’s not always easy to stand apart from the competition. So if you were wondering which advertisers are coming out on top in the battle, we’ve got you covered.
The Most Shared Video Ads Of 2015 (So Far)
An ad for Disney Parks is the most shared ad of the year so far. “Disney Characters Surprise Shoppers”, an ad campaign in which unsuspecting mall shoppers are pranked by Disney characters, so far leads the race to be the most shared ad of the year after amassing more than 3.7 million shares since it was launched in February. It’s also the 9th most shared ad of all time.
Why Have Online Ads Gone Puppy Mad?
Trends in online advertising aren’t always immediately obvious. Some months, brands will be favouring big budget celebrity endorsement, and others cheap-and-cheerful ‘prankverts’ will be in vogue. One week, humorous spots are the way to go and the next high drama is the only option. However, the current trend taking online video sharing by storm couldn’t be less subtle if it tried. I’ll give you a clue: it’s fluffy, four-legged and so excited to see you.
Nudey Bits And Footie Hits: 5 Ads You Should Watch Right Now
We’ve found it, possibly one of the greatest sports ads of the decade. Thank you, Adland! After a week watching the best (and sadly worst) video ads on the web, we’ve picked the five essential ones to watch so you can spend the rest of your time enjoying the weekend.
Sadvertising And Why We Love Brands Making Us Feel Emotional
We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: strong emotions are key to the success of an online video. Brands and content creators love to toy with our feelings. They like to pump you up with pulse-racing action, make you wistful for your youth before then compelling you to drop everything and travel the globe. Online adverts are an emotional rollercoaster at the best of times.
Sneaky Socks And Chelsea Rocks: 6 Branded Vines You Should Watch Right Now
Now Vine has found its feet as part of marketers’ content stacks, grabbing viewer attention in the first few seconds is key. In this cut-throat world of snack size media, content is king. However, it’s not always easy to stand apart from the competition. So if you were wondering which advertisers are coming out on top in the battle, we’ve got you covered.
8 More Things You Need To Know About Programmatic Video
Programmatic video is the fastest-growing category of programmatic buying, but a lot of marketers are still struggling to get to grips with the basics. According to a recent study by Unruly, which polled 1,000 senior marketers in the UK and US, around half rate their programmatic video knowledge as ‘Average’, ‘Poor’ or ‘Very Poor’. There’s clearly a knowledge gap between the programmatic front lines and everyday marketers, making 2015 a key year for programmatic education. As with any burgeoning new trend, one of the main causes of confusion is vocabulary.
Crying Tots And B-Ball Shots: 5 Ads You Should Watch Right Now
One brand makes kids cry while another turns one into a sports hero. Well, that’s Adland for you! After a week watching the best (and sadly worst) video ads on the web, we’ve picked the five essential ones to watch so you can spend the rest of your time enjoying the weekend. So without further ado, here is our weekly round-up of the five ads you should watch right now. Enjoy!