The Unruly Blog
Stay ahead of the curve and at the forefront of ad tech with the Unruly blog, covering stories from across the Unrulyverse and beyond!
The Top 10 Most Shared Ads Of Euro 2016
As we gear up for the start of the semi-finals of the European Championships this evening, we thought we’d take a look and see which adverts are taking home our coveted ‘most shared’ trophy.
All Video Is Not Created Equal – What To Know Before Placing Your Programmatic Video Buy
It’s no surprise that video spend is continuously rising. According to eMarketer, growth in video ad spending is at 28.5% year on year. Meanwhile, programmatic ad spending is leaping upwards and has more than doubled since 2014. As a result of this growth, trading desks have a crucial (and busy) part to play in the success or failure of video campaigns. Thankfully, they are often presented with a campaign-ready creative and KPIs to hit, most likely around viewability and VTRs. It means programmatic buyers often do a fantastic job of delivering the right volumes on the client’s favorite sites and balancing the KPIs.
30 Days To Rio: Seven Steps To Olympic Advertising Success
With only 30 days to go until the Olympic flame reaches Rio De Janeiro, athletes aren’t the only ones getting their game-faces on. Slowly but surely, brands like Samsung, Nike and Gatorade have been releasing their Olympic 2016 spots, with varying approaches and success.
Basketballs & Hammock Falls: 5 Ads You Should Watch Right Now
With everyone still dealing with #CannesComedown, we’ve rounded up the five best ads you might have missed from the last seven days. This week’s selection is a summery bunch, with Tesco Mobile prepping us for a holiday, and Volkswagen encouraging us to play outside. We’ve also got a weird moment with a cat, an appearance from living-legend Danny Glover, and the return of the femvertising juggernaut #LikeAGirl.
The Geography Of Sharing: How Mastering Emotions Can Help Brands Succeed On A Global Scale
Did you know that Australians share branded video content faster than any other country worldwide? Or that the most common reason to share a video online in Japan is to seek other people’s opinions, while in the U.K. it’s to recommend a product or service? Or, with a month to go to the Rio Olympics, how about that Brazilians are more likely to buy a product or love a brand after viewing an online ad than consumers in the US, South-East Asia and Europe?
Un-Cannes-Ventional: 5 Takeaways From Cannes Lions 2016
UNpredictable. UNstoppaple. UNexpected. Wow. What a week. Cannes Lions 2016 felt like the biggest ever – with more speakers, parties, and awesome interactions that you could ever wish for. There was also a hell of a lot learning going on by the seashore last week. In fact, with all that sunshine and rosé, you might have missed some of the festival’s biggest moments. That’s why we’ve rounded up 5 key takeaways from advertising’s most glamorous event.
#CannesYouFeelIt – 3 Tips From P&G’s Global Marketing Officer On Raising The Creative Bar
Cannes Lions may be over, but before we put the cork back in the bottle of rosé for another year, we thought we would share some insights from a presentation we watched last week from P&G. The consumer goods giant pulled out its marketing heavyweight, Global Marketing and Brand Building Officer Marc Pritchard, to entertain the crowd with a session on “Raising The Creative Bar” last Thursday that was smoother than a baby’s bum (presumably after using Pampers). Filled with branded videos, some hands-up honesty, and a couple of world exclusives – the talk certainly didn’t disappoint the jam-packed auditorium.
#CannesYouFeelIt – Lexus & The Content That “Keeps On Giving”
There’s no doubt Lexus has had a pretty memorable Cannes Lions. Its SLIDE campaign has picked up a number of awards this week, including a Gold Cyber Lion, a Silver Design Lion and a Bronze PR Lion. It was also a finalist in the Innovation, Product Design and Cyber categories. Created by CHI&Partners, the campaign, featuring the Lexus Hoverboard, has been a huge hit with both marketers and fans alike since the campaign hovered on to the web on October 21, 2015, the date Marty McFly travels to in Back to The Future 2.
#CannesYouFeelIt – 5 Ads That Could Win The Film Lions Grand Prix
Well, ladies and gentlemen – the wait is almost over. Tomorrow night someone will be taking home the Film Lions Grand Prix – arguably Cannes Lions’ most prestigious award. The battle has been fierce, but before the big night, we thought we’d run down some of the ads we think may walk away with the big prize from the shortlist of campaigns.