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Unruly and News Corp AU launch a suite of new 6 second packages

News Corp Australia and Unruly are pleased to announce the launch of a suite of new 6 second packages.

The packages were developed to help advertisers take advantage of the explosion and proliferation of the 6-second ad format.

They combine New Corp Australia’s pre-roll inventory with Unruly’s outstream inventory to hit a range of KPIs like awareness or consideration. Running exclusively across Australia’s largest short-form storytelling ecosystem, these packages provide cost-effective reach in a premium, brand-safe environment.

In order to understand the key drivers of 6-second success, Unruly teamed up with the University of San Diego and the University of East Anglia (UEA) to analyse 3,000+ 6 second videos.

The study found that the role of long-form content is not in contention – longer ads have consistently been shown to be more effective and allow more information to be conveyed and chronology and causation to be exhibited, which allows for narrative persuasion – a viewer is drawn into a story, leading to better recall and bigger attitude changes.

This suggests that the 6-second mobile format faces more challenges, but some brands have mastered this format, creating very successful short-form ads which convert viewers to buyers. The study looked to identify what drove that success and understand how it could be replicated.

The study’s key findings are:

  • 6-second ads require a narrative rethink
  • Don’t be held up by ad and film conventions
  • Employ either non-traditional narrative, non-narrative or highly simplified narrative storytelling
  • Don’t spell everything out for the viewer – leverage existing knowledge and culture (e.g. character archetypes, genres, existing brand associations or characters) and allow them to infer information
  • Use 6 seconds as building blocks for a larger story – vignette or serialised storytelling
  • Distribution and targeting are more important than ever with 6-second ads
  • When employing non-traditional storytelling, understanding your audience is critical
  • Messages need to be tailored for a specific audience in order to land
  • If relying on existing viewer knowledge and inference, knowing who is seeing your ads is critical
  • Use of vignette or serialised storytelling requires hyper-targeting or retargeting to ensure message makes sense to viewers


News Corp Australia and Unruly’s new 6 second packages help advertisers reach the right audiences for their short form creatives. The packages leverage the incredible targeting power of News Connect – allowing advertisers to focus on who is seeing their ads rather than worrying about how they’re seeing them.

So advertisers can take advantage of this engaging format, safe in the knowledge that their ads will hit their mark, without breaking the bank.

To find out more about the new 6 second packages or to hear more about the 6-second research findings, click here and to fill out a contact form.