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5 stats that back up our love for brands

To celebrate the most romantic day of the year, we’ve pulled out five stats from our emotional database which show the love consumers have for brands!

1 – South East Asia shows the most love for brands

Many consumers have strong feelings about the brands they decide to buy from or associate themselves with. This often dictates where they will eat, what clothes they wear, what phone use, and which furniture they decide to fill their homes with. By looking at our emotional database, we found that brand love varies greatly depending on where in the world you live. It shows that brand favourability is highest in South East Asia, scoring a huge 65%. This is followed by the US which scored 39%, then the UK with 29%, closely followed by Germany at 27% and then Japan with 26%.

2- Consumers have the most love for the FMCG Industry

Unlike location, when we broke brand love down by industry, we found it didn’t vary all that much. This is not surprising when you think about the variety of companies in each category vying for our love and adoration. Leading the way was the FMCG industry scoring 37% for brand favourability (Coca-Cola or Pepsi?), closely followed by technology scoring 36% (Apple or Android?), automotive at 35% (Honda or Nissan?), entertainment at 33% (Xbox or PlayStation?) and retail at 32% (McDonalds or Burger King?).


3 – Microsoft had the most loved ad during the Super Bowl

During the Super Bowl 2019, our analysis showed that the most loved advert was Microsoft’s ‘We All Win’ ad, sparking high emotions of inspiration and happiness amongst viewers. It scored 7.5/10 on our UnrulyEQ emotional chart. The commercial showcased how Microsoft’s Xbox Adaptive Controller helps children with disabilities enjoy gaming. 

4- Extra-Gum: Sarah & Juan is the most loved ad we’ve ever tested!

The warmest (and most romantic in our opinion) ad we’ve ever tested in the US is Extra Gum’s love story entitled Sarah and Juan. In the US the ad scored a huge 40% for intense warmth, compared to a 7% US norm. It was an incredibly successful ad and outperformed the US norm for all brand metrics including purchase intent, find out more and shareability.

5 – The warmest ads are created by FMCG brands

Finally, warmth is a feeling that gets used in ads across all industries, and our analysis shows that most brands chose to evoke this emotion within the FMCG sector, with 8% of ads having warmth as their highest evoked emotion (think Pampers babies and Andrex puppies!). This is followed by retail brands evoking warmth in 7% of ads and technology brands evoking warmth in 5% of ads.