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Watch Unruly Home Host The World’s First-Ever Hologram Phone Call

From science-fiction to science-fact, the Unruly Home Show is all about the latest connected home tech and devices.

This week we hosted the world’s first-ever 3D holographic phone call, thanks to our friends at DoubleMe, and brought to life the dream of Star Wars fans around the world.

Watch the video below to see our Futurist Simon Gosling chat face-to-face with Chris Szkoda, a hologram-application designer, who was sat in a studio 5 miles away from the Future Home.

We used a mobile phone for the audio part of the call, but by using a Microsoft HoloLens and a few Xbox Kinect cameras, Simon was able to see a live 3D hologram of Chris directly in front of him as they spoke.



The communication was made possible thanks to DoubleMe’s Holoportal technology, which converts 2D video into dynamic 3D models in real-time.

The use of applications like this, and its incoming iterations, extend to next-generation communication apps (the Skype and Whatsapp of the future), and also could dramatically affect the way brands and consumers interact.

Imagine calling a customer service helpline in 2025 and having a holographic professional show you in 3D space how to fix a broken appliance, or assemble furniture.

Stay tuned for more innovation in the Future Home!