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The Questions You Need To Ask Yourself Before Launching Your Next Mobile Programmatic Video Campaign

Mobile programmatic video is changing fast. But don’t just take our word for it. According to eMarketer, the vast majority of mobile display and video campaigns will be automated by 2018.

That means getting this right is more important than ever before. From setting pre-launch KPIs to choosing effective ad formats, we’ve pulled together a list of questions to ask before launching any mobile video campaign.


1. Do I understand my client’s goals?

OK, this one might seem obvious, but hear us out. In a programmatic world, click-through and completion rates are still seen as the holy grail of campaign metrics. However, clients are now looking beyond these metrics to focus more on purchase intent, brand favorability, emotional connection and brand recall. Be sure to dig a little deeper to ask the questions to get this part right. For example, if brand favorability is a key KPI, be sure to launch your campaign in user-friendly, polite ad placements to support this goal.


2. Have I factored in good UX so I can treat my viewers with respect?

From the IAB to the Coalition for Better Ads, the industry is developing guidelines that encourage non-interruptive ad formats in order to create positive user experiences around advertising. Unruly data shows that 76% of viewers like to be in control of the sound of video ads, while 74% find autoplay with sound to be annoying. A poor user experience is much more intrusive on mobile because these devices are so incredibly personal.


3. Which mix of ad formats are best suited to my client’s goals?

The recent IAB Mobile Video Buyer’s Guide talks about video quality as a KPI for good UX and compares interstitial in-banner and pre-roll video creatives. However, programmatic video goes way beyond these forced formats and includes user-controlled formats like native, outstream, vertical video and more. Offering a diverse mix of ad formats can help accomplish the range of your client’s goals. However, be sure you’re using appropriate benchmarks as forced pre-roll will have different completion rates from outstream and shouldn’t be compared side by side. 


Want to know more about what to ask before launching your next programmatic mobile video campaign? Check out our full list here.