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10 Connected Home Stats Every Marketer Should Know

The connected home is the new tech playing field and a fresh marketing landscape – a blank canvas – that presents opportunities and risks for marketers.

These opportunities depend on brands understanding the latest technologies and how to deploy them in acceptable ways to win the hearts – and custom – of people at home.

As we move away from an age of interruption, polite brands who understand their place in the home, are natural and authentic will be the ones who win.

In order to help along this understanding, we conducted the Future Home Study (coinciding with the launch of Home) to investigate people’s thoughts, feelings and fears relating to the connected home.

We surveyed 1,000 consumers in the UK and US and the study revealed a load of interesting insight, but to get you started – these are the 10 connected home stats you should know.


1. Half of people believe connected home tech will make their lives happier



2. 61% of Brits think a connected home will save them money

3. 41% think the connected home will save them time



4. 39% of Brits think that having a connected home will make their lives healthier


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5. Only 30% of people were worried that installing the tech would be too complicated

6. 91% of Brits actively want more tech in their homes

7. 43% of people are worried about security in the connected home


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8. Over half the people we surveyed (52%) were open to interacting with brands in the living room

9. And 45% of consumers would be happy engaging with brands in the kitchen



10. 29% of people would be happy interacting with brands in the home if they were provided with discounts and special offers


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