Unruly / Blog / Media Maven Of The Month: Q&A With Optimedia’s Felicia Mei

Media Maven Of The Month: Q&A With Optimedia’s Felicia Mei

From the rise of adblocking to sound-off ads, the advertising industry is changing at a rapid rate. But how are people within the industry embracing the latest ad trends?

We decided to get the opinions of our friends, colleagues and clients to see how they are embracing the latest changes to AdLand.

In the first of our “Media Maven of the Month” series, Anya Gorman, our Sales Director based in San Francisco, talks to Optimedia’s Digital Supervisor, Felicia Mei, about real-life media trends, dealing with the threat of adblockers and finding those Millennials.

Where do you currently live/work?

Good ol’ San Francisco

What’s you favorite social video?

Hotline Bling

What do you like most about the media industry?

Algorithms, turnkey solutions, pivot tables, social impressions, programmatic everything and other such buzzwords.

What are the three biggest trends you’ve noticed in the media industry right now

Programmatic TV, Trading Desks and how to get around adblocking.

What are some of the greatest successes in your career?

Working in different markets (Paris, New York, Los Angeles, and San Francisco) across a breadth of accounts (Auto, CPG, Pharma, Electronics, Music, and Travel) has given me insight into how processes differ and a fresh perspective on client deliverables.

What are some of the biggest challenges?

Breaking through the clutter to find that Millennial!! Who isn’t marketing to Millennials these days? Standard banners, while measurable, trackable and targetable, are not the future, especially with growing adblocking capabilities. We are always trying to get ahead of this, while finding the right balance between cost efficiencies & experiences.

What are some key moments that helped you advance in the industry?

I’ve been spending the last few years of my career focusing more on the DR side of the digital business, which has really helped me tap into the analytical, data-driven part of my personality. Being DR-focused means you have to see the bigger picture, whether that be the consumer’s full path to purchase (attribution) or working closely with the search team to provide cohesive insights. Learning what it takes to set up a DMP has also helped!

What are your current favorite apps?

Gummy Drop (mobile gamer) and Spotify.

What is one thing people don’t know about you?  

I cut my own hair.

What are your personal goals?

Chase happiness by way of (but not limited to) traveling, painting, karaoking, Christmas music and hiking.

Mood of the month:

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