Unruly / Blog / Sinister Bears & Mowing Flare: 6 Branded Vines You Should Watch Right Now

Sinister Bears & Mowing Flare: 6 Branded Vines You Should Watch Right Now

Ah, the joy of six. Vine is the leading short-form entertainment platform and has become a key component in global brands’ content strategies.

However, it’s not always easy to stand apart from the competition. With over 200M active users, there’s a lot of great content out there capturing the attention of millions of users. So if you were wondering which advertisers are coming out on top, we’ve got you covered in our weekly round-up.

This week we’ve got some new brands ‘doing it for the Vine’.



6. Innocent


There’s something strange going on at Innocent HQ.  Random items breaking and things not just running smooth(l)y. Fingers point towards this naughty bottle-top panda. If you’ve not checked out the #sinisterpanda hashtag, we recommend you do to find out what’s going on.


5. Tile


Tile, the mobile tracking device, has gone on a rampage on Vine. And there’s no better example than Jordan Burt’s blind lawn mowing alter ego – Don. Yes, we did say blind lawnmower.


4. HTC


What better way to show off a phone’s features than in a reverse loop. HTC captures your hi-res photos in a flash.


3. Sony


Sony has been ahead of the Vine curve for some time now and are no stranger to this content round-up. This neat little Vine shows off the length of battery life. With the Sony Xperia in your pocket, you’ll always be connected day or night.


2. Ford (competition entry)


Vine is a hive of creativity, making branded competitions a sure-fire way to have users create awesome content affiliated to your brand.  This example from Chris Ashley has everything – slick skills, smart loop and some humour to boot. Nice work, Chris!


  1. Folgers Flavors


Folgers Flavors has partnered wisely in this latest Vine. Pinot, master sketcher, animator and all round Viner, has brewed up this sweet little masterpiece. The recipe is simple: add water, a couple of drops of your favourite Folgers Flavour and smile.


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