Unruly / Blog / Rugby Stars And Crashing Cars: 5 Ads You Should Watch Right Now

Rugby Stars And Crashing Cars: 5 Ads You Should Watch Right Now

Rugby balls flying first class, kid astronauts and real-life Pokémon battles. It could only be Adland!

There’s no one who loves watching the most awesome social videos on the planet than us. So after a week of trawling the Open Web for the most engaging and creative content out there, we’ve compiled a list of five best video ads so you can use your time on the net wisely…. like learning how to fold a shirt in under 2 seconds.

Enjoy and happy folding!


5. Emirates – Bringing Rugby Home

Sponsors are gearing up with their best content for the Rugby World Cup, which starts this evening.

Last week, Guinness topped our round-up with the inspiring story of South African winger Ashwin Willemse, showing how he turned his life around by choosing rugby over a notorious gang. This week, Emirates puts an unusual spin on who the real rugby star is.

Wilson would be damn jealous.


4.  NSPCC – Alfie the Astronaut

The NSPCC takes a different approach to the fight against child abuse. Rather than shocking the viewer with upsetting images of distraught children, the organisation optimistically looks at how children’s lives can turn around once they receive help.

When a child is abused, their hopes and dreams are taken away but the spot points out that once that abuse is gone a child can truly recover and go just about anywhere.

Just like Alfie, the adorable astronaut.


3. Beats by Dre – The Game Starts Here Starring Richie McCaw

Beats has done it again! Last week we were inspired by Serena Williams‘ spot for the headphone brand, where we were introduced to her insecurities as a human being and not just an athlete.

This week, in the wake of the Rugby World Cup, we see how All Blacks captain Richie McCaw draws strength from his team and the infamous haka to get his battered body through the day and through the game.



2. Road Safety Authority of Ireland – Anatomy of a Split Second

The Road Safety Authority of Ireland is no stranger to a harrowing PSA.  From Crashed Lives, where a real road victim tells her sobering story to the recent Don’t Look Back, which shows a mother’s regret after taking her eyes off the road, the agency knows that sometimes you need to shock to get an important message across.

The powerful spot shows the devastating effects of taking your eyes off the road for even a split second and asks, “would it really kill you to put your phone away while driving?”.

You can read our blog post about how PSAs are making a comeback here.


1. Pokémon and Nintendo – Pokémon GO!

I wanna be the very best like no one ever was…

The spotty teenager inside me is bursting with excitement watching this spot for Pokémon and Nintendo’s new mobile game. Pokémon GO is free to download and allows players to explore the real world in search of wild Pokémon and battles against nearby users.

The game may not play exactly how the ad portrays it (because that would be INSANE), however, like the 504, 181 other people who shared the video this week. I can’t wait to Ketchum all!


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