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Which Ad Are You Rooting For This Super Bowl?

There will be tears, laughter and goosebumps during this weekend’s Super Bowl. But it won’t be just the game between the New England Patriots and the Seattle Seahawks that will be putting people through the emotional wringer this Sunday – the commercials will also a big say on your state of mind.

Studies have found that more than half the people who tune in during Super Bowl Sunday are only interested in the ads. And as advertisers raise their games to help make them stand out from the crowd during the Big Game, one thing is for sure: it’s going to emotional.

And it’s not just tears.

Super Bowl Crying 

Brands can make us laugh

Super Bowl Laughter

Can inspire us

Super Bowl Inspiration

Or just be damn cute

Super Bowl Cute

So want to be in on the fun during this year’s Big Game? Keep an eye out on Twitter during the game on Sunday – @unrulyco – and share these emojis with for your alongside those tear-jerking, laugh out loud, inspiring, and cute Super Bowl ads.