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3 Tips For Making Your Q4 Video Campaigns More Effective

As advertisers gear up for the busiest time of the year, we’ve been busy digging into the data and have compiled our End of Year Buying Guide using data from UnrulyX.

The new insight paper takes a look at the key trends that arise at the end of the year and identifies what advertisers can do to increase the success of their digital video campaigns.

Here’s what we found:


1. December saw the highest ad calls on mobile – Mobile traffic increased throughout the year and peaked in December, likely due to busy on-the-go shoppers. Unruly reaches the majority of the mobile population across the globe and can help you hit those shoppers on their mobile devices.

2. CTR spiked the week before Christmas – Despite a general low CTR in December, it does pick up the week leading up to the big day. Be sure your campaign runs through the entire holiday season to ensure you’re reaching those last minute shoppers!

3. Interaction rates dropped in November and December – The holidays mean lots of busy consumers. Despite a lower than average interaction rate in these months, there are some solutions! Consider boosting this by incorporating interactive shoppable components into your videos.


Want to learn more about these trends?