Unruly / Blog / Fighter Jets and White House Reps: 6 Branded Vines You Should Watch Right Now

Fighter Jets and White House Reps: 6 Branded Vines You Should Watch Right Now

Brands are quickly recognising the influence of video sharing platform Vine and going head to head to battle it out for the attention of its 40 million highly-engaged users.

With just 6 seconds to impress, creativity is key and we’ve rounded up this week’s 6 best branded Vines to show you how it’s done.

In this week’s round-up, we have fighter jets and weightlifting from US VP Biden.




6. Bank of America

Bank of America slam-dunks savings and shows that every penny counts in the game plan of savings.        


5. The White House


In a Vine that reminds us of a certain workout scene from movie Anchorman, Vice President Biden responds to Michelle Obama’s #GimmeFive challenge. “One thousand and two, one thousand and three…”


4. Hewlett-Packard

HP celebrates St Paddy’s Day with a pop-up rainbow and the luck of the X360 (note: laptop does not come with pot of gold, we asked).  


3. MasterCard  

The folks at MasterCard put Vine to great use over at SXSW this week with some fine beard stroking in its #PricelessPitch elevator.


2. Chrysler 

Chrysler teams up with pro-Viner Pinot to promote the efficiency of the new Chrysler 300 with this sketch-tastic little video.


1. The Ministry of Defence

The MoD hits the heights with this awesome Vine, making us feel like Maverick behind the wheel of a fighter jet. Well, for six seconds anyway.