Unruly / Blog / Smartphone Sweaters And ‘Skyaking’: 6 Branded Vines You Should Watch Right Now

Smartphone Sweaters And ‘Skyaking’: 6 Branded Vines You Should Watch Right Now

Vine recently reached its second birthday. The short-form video platform has enjoyed huge success in its short life, with millions of Vines being posted every week.

However, it’s not always easy to find the most engaging branded content. So if you’re looking for inspiration, you’re in safe hands here. In just 36 seconds, you’ll know which brands are doing Vine right.

In this week’s round up, there’s phone sweaters, dancing laptops and made-up sports.


6. Intel

Inventive stop motion animations are 10 a penny on Vine, so it takes something seriously clever to get our attention. Intel’s collaboration with animator Daniel Ojantlava combines laptop ballet with trick shots, and hits just the right level of “how did they do that?”


5. HTC

Winning points for patience alone, HTC’s latest Vine entry brings knitting into the 21st Century by wrapping it snugly around a smartphone. Typically a hobby associated with grandparents and your kooky art school friends, ‘Sweater Weather, anyone?’ may well inspire a trend of tech-based wool fun. Here’s hoping.


4. Red Bull

Red Bull continues in its quest to one-up everyone’s hobbies with this fleeting glimpse of ‘Skyaking’, a sport we’re pretty sure they made up but we’re not going to kick up a fuss. Anyway, we’re just off for a bit of MegaLacrosse and Tennis 2.0.


3. Hewlett-Packard  

A particularly catchy effort from Hewlett-Packard and Vine legend Marcus Johns, “Loop It” turns the cyclical Vine format into a short-form music video that becomes oddly hypnotic. You’ll listen to it 50 times before you realize any time has passed.


2. Innocent

Forever the most faux-chummy brand around, Innocent’s clip takes the smart route of adopting two things already hugely popular online. In this case, it’s kittens and the ubiquitous ‘Thug Life’ video meme, which cuts gangsta rap over clips of people doing cool things. Oh, jokes are never funny when you explain them, just have a watch.


1. PUMA  

Last but not least, PUMA backs up its latest evoPower football boots with a little Vine-optimized clip. Shot in glorious slo-mo, we see a disembodied foot absolutely hammer into a football before soaring out of frame, presumably to enact some kind of elaborately ostentatious celebration dance. When the frame’s this small, you have to get inventive.