Unruly / viral review / #TheStartupShow: Fighting The Confidence Gap With Jess Butcher

#TheStartupShow: Fighting The Confidence Gap With Jess Butcher

Unruly’s series #TheStartupShow was back with a bang this week as Unruly co-CEO Sarah Wood spoke with Jess Butcher, Co-Founder of Blippar, one of the most exciting apps in visual discovery and AR!

The show runs on live streaming app Blab, in which Sarah chats with startups, entrepreneurs and academics about some of the challenges of setting up your own business.

Over the course of the series so far #TheStartupShow has covered entrepreneurship and academia, finding your idea and acting upon it, and skilling up for success by building your team. Click here for the firstsecond and third shows.

In this week’s edition, Sarah spoke to Jess Butcher, Co-Founder of Blippar, about the confidence gap in scaling your business.

Jess shared her advice on surviving the journey as an entrepreneur. On her experience bridging the confidence gap and taking risks,  Jess said “In my twenties I definitely suffered from a confidence gap and being risk adverse. Nowadays with any important decision, I don’t believe in worrying too much about things until the opportunities or challenges present themselves. Pragmatism is always the way to go.

When talking about the skills needed to grow your startup to a scale up, Jess said: “As your business grows, more structures and processes need to be put in place and the ability to delegate is something I have reluctantly had to learn.”

Finally, objecting to the idea that personal lives and business are always at odds, Jess described approaching the situation as a work/life ‘blend’ rather than a balance, and encouraged listeners to look at life holistically.

But don’t worry if you missed the show yesterday. You can watch it all below. Enjoy!