The Premier Self-Service PMP Platform for Premium Publishers
Take Control with Unruly CTRL
Unruly helps premium publishers with a foundation in video maximize revenue across CTV, mobile, desktop, and smart speaker inventory connected to Unruly SSP.
It starts with quality demand. We have long-standing direct relationships with premium demand partners – including top brands, agencies, and connections to a diverse set of the world’s major DSPs. As part of an end-to-end technology platform, we provide a complete suite of solutions to help you increase the value of your inventory.
Self-Service PMP Deal Capabilities
Take control over how you package, price, and sell your premium inventory with Unruly CTRL – our simple to use platform and intuitive UI.
Flexible controls to maximize revenue
Pricing: Customize pricing per deal/buyer (dynamic & fixed priced auction types available)
Deal Forecasting: Check pre-sale deal feasibility with real-time forecast of volume avails
Delivery: Apply request or impression caps and throttle delivery pacing

Visibility: Control which buyers see specific inventory
Data Activation: Align your inventory with buyer KPIs including content-level and audience-based targeting
CTV/OTT Ad Pod Monetization: Guarantee an advertiser first ad position within an ad pod via deal
Actionable Insights at Your Fingertips
Gain actionable insights including advertiser-level and buyer-level transparency for lead-gen, PMP deal troubleshooting, and more.
Demand Reporting:
Insights into the advertisers
buying your traffic and the DSPs they’re using
Supply Reporting:
Performance of domain or app
across device type, impression type, and geo
Monetize Your Programmatic Inventory with a Deal Type to Match Your Objectives
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Want to better monetise readers through polite ad formats that follow LEAN standards, delivering happier viewers? Get in touch.